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Disclosure Document

Señora Bell

Disclosure Document

Spanish II (2nd year Spanish)

Contact Information: Phone: 801-717-4568 ext. 732

E-mail (preferred):

Introduction: ¡Hola! I am so excited to be teaching Spanish here at Lone Peak! You’ve made a great choice in wanting to learn Spanish! Learning another language is a wonderful opportunity that opens many doors, and Spanish, particularly, is a very beautiful and useful language. We are going to have a lot of fun in class this year. Language learning is very interactive and I’ve discovered from personal experience that the best way to learn a language is just to speak it. That’s why in this class, we will be learning through many different methods, such as, stories, songs, activities and games that give students as much opportunity to speak as possible. I am so excited to have you in my class and I can’t wait to get to know you!

Textbook: We will not be working from a textbook this year. Students will be learning to further their Spanish skills from stories and other activities. I will provide copies of any materials needed.

Materials: In this course, students will need a binder with pockets, dividers and a pencil holder. Lined paper for taking notes, and a writing utensil will also be useful. Please try to get your hands on a basic Spanish/English dictionary. Please make sure you are prepared with these materials each B day.

Participation: This is a second year class and you have already learned a lot of Spanish, so you will be expected to speak the language as much as you possibly can. As I’ve mentioned before, the best way to learn it is just to speak it. Therefore, participation points will be a large part of your grade. There are 3 ways to earn participation points in this class. First, you will rate yourself on how much you spoke Spanish during the class period. Second, you will earn “pesos” as you participate in class and answer questions. Third, each student will be required to do a “bienvenida” (welcome) once each term. “Bienvenida” requirements will increase each term. Participation points will be added up at the end of the term and figured into your final grade.

Homework: I will be assigning homework each class period. You are expected to have your assignment completed by the beginning of the following class period. As mentioned before, I will provide copies or worksheets as needed. I will check each class period to see if you have completed your assignment. You will receive a calendar to keep track of assignments. You will receive a stamp on this calendar each time you complete an assignment and a “slash” each time you don’t. Slashed assignments cannot be made up. This calendar is part of your grade. You will also have a “calentamiento” (warm-up) at the beginning of each class period that will be part of your grade. Calentamientos can make or break a grade, so I would suggest that you work diligently on them each day. Additionally, there may be in-class assignments, such as videos, etc. that will be considered homework.

Fiestas: We will have at least 3 parties this year. Día de los Muertos (October or November), Las Posadas (December), and Cinco de Mayo (May). In order for these parties to be successful, we will need food! Students will be assigned to bring food for parties. This is a mandatory assignment. There will be opportunities for students to receive extra credit points on this assignments, depending on the item you decide to bring. I will send around a sign-up sheet about a week in advance. If you are absent on the day of the party, you may send your food with another student, or talk to me about how to make it up.

Make-up/Late Work: Assignments will be due the class period after it is assigned. Late assignments will not be accepted unless there are extenuating circumstances. If the assignment is done on time, it will be worth 5 points on the calendar. I prefer that you have the experience of doing the work so that you will learn from it; that is why it is assigned, so please have them done each class period. If you have been absent, you will be responsible to find out what the assignment was and complete it by the following class period for full points. Calentamientos (warm-ups) can be made up only by coming in at lunch to work on them. I cannot be here after school, so any make up work must be done at lunch on B days only.

Tests: Tests will be given at the end of each unit, which usually consists of one to three concepts. We will also have periodic quizzes. Some with a warning and some without. It is a good idea to be prepared each class day. Students will receive ONE slacker pass each term to take a test that they missed or re-take one that they did not do well on. Other than this, retakes will NOT be given. If a student was absent on test day, he or she will have one week to take the test.

Grading Policy: Student grades will be determined by a point system based on assignments, participation and tests. Points will be totaled and placed on the percentage scale below. This is according to the predetermined scale on Skyward.

A = 94-100 B = 84-86 C = 74-76 D = 64-66

A- = 90-93 B- = 80-83 C- = 70-73 D- = 60-63

B+ = 87-89 C+ = 77-79 D+ = 67-69 F = 59 and below

Attendance/Tardies: Attendance in my classroom will adhere to Lone Peak’s policy. I will be marking attendance at the beginning of each class period. It is important that you are here in class and on time. I am a stickler on tardiness and will only allow an exception with a note signed by a parent (please include parent’s e-mail address on the note) or an administrator, or another teacher. If you are tardy, it also limits the time you will have to complete the “calentamiento”, which can also affect your grade. Absences will affect your grade, since you won’t be here to receive participation points (pesos and speaking points). However, excused absences can be made up on your calendar by spending 30 minutes (at lunchtime only) translating children’s books and stories.

Citizenship: I believe that each individual has the right to be treated with respect and kindness. Therefore I will expect this kind of treatment from each student toward each classmate as well as the same type of respectful and kind interactions between teacher and student. I expect students to arrive on time with needed materials. Use of cell phones and laptop computers will not be allowed in my class. If I catch somebody using a cell phone or laptop during class, I will confiscate it and take it to the office. Student or parent will be responsible for picking it up from the office.

Food: I will allow students to bring food to class as long as it does not disrupt my class. If you bring food to class, please make sure you clean up after yourself. I reserve the right to change this policy if students leave messes in my classroom.

Cheating: Not tolerated. Cheating on quizzes or tests will result in an automatic 0 and cannot be made up. Selling, trading or giving away pesos is considered cheating and will result in a 0 on that assignment for the term.

Consultations: I will be available for extra help or for student and/or parent consultations during lunch on B days, or by appointment. I am only at the school on B days, but you can always contact me through the above e-mail address. I try to be prompt in my correspondence. I am happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding policies and procedures. Feel free to contact me in any way that is convenient for you, however, e-mail is my preferred form of communication. If you email me, please put student’s name in the subject box.

Final Note: I am so pleased that you have chosen Spanish as your second language. This class is an elective, so your presence here tells me that you are here because you want to be. I am dedicated to your learning, but you need to be dedicated to it too. I hope that between you and me, you will have fun and great success in learning to speak Spanish!

(NOTE: This document is subject to adjustments as needed.)

Please keep the above portion for your own records and sign and return this portion to me. Thank you.

I have read and understand the above information regarding Señora Bell’s class. I agree with the terms of this disclosure document.

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Student Name (print) Student Signature Period

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Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date